I have been told we cannot use the NDIS funds for Psychological support under therapeutic supports – is this correct?


No it is not correct.

Some participants are reporting that they must go to a GP and get a Mental Health Care plan and use this first for psychology and counselling.

* this would mean out of pocket or GAP expenses of $100+ per session for the participant. Mental Health Care Plans do not cover the cost of the service. This is not right.


If the participants plan has provision for therapeutic supports and goals align with ANY of the following criteria;

  • increased self-esteem
  • increased social interactions
  • increased social skills
  • managing emotional regulation

This can be delivered under Psychologist (daily living)

It’s important to remember that EVERY plan is worded differently and there is no standard wording.

If you are unsure, we would be happy to check the wording of the plan and advocate on the participants behalf for services to be delivered

Get in touch!
