Emotion Coaching – Tuning in to Kids and Teens

Emotion Coaching – Tuning in to Kids and Teens

Do you want to help your children develop emotional intelligence and resilience? Do you want to foster a positive and supportive relationship with them? Are the things you have been doing not working? If you answered yes, then you might want to try emotion coaching. Emotion coaching is a parenting technique that helps children understand and regulate their feelings. It involves validating their...

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Life and Career Coaching

Life and Career Coaching

Are you feeling stuck in your life or career? Do you want to achieve more, but don't know how to get there? If so, you might benefit from hiring a life or career coach. A coach is someone who can help you clarify your goals, identify your strengths, overcome your challenges, and create a plan of action to reach your desired outcomes. Here are some of the benefits of working with a coach: - A...

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Counselling for Children and Teens

Counselling for Children and Teens

Are you looking for a safe and supportive space for your child or teen to explore their emotions, thoughts and behaviors? Do you want to help them develop healthy coping skills, self-esteem and resilience? If so, you might be interested in counselling for children and teens. Counselling is a process of talking with a trained professional who can help you understand yourself and your situation...

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Counselling and Wellbeing

Counselling and Wellbeing

Why is counselling good for wellbeing? Counselling is a form of talking therapy that can help you cope with various issues in your life, such as stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, relationship problems, and more. Counselling can provide you with a safe and confidential space to express your feelings, thoughts, and emotions, without being judged or criticized. Counselling can also help...

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